Saturday, November 21, 2020

Country capital best gk trick part 17

Spring scenery step by step drawing

Colorful palm step by step drawing

Road park step by step drawing

Silhouette step by step drawing

Winter step by step drawing

Paessagio step by step drawing

Outdoor step by step drawing

Blue scenery step by step drawing

Sunset step by step drawing

Sunrise step by step drawing

Starry night step by step drawing

Natural scenery step by step drawing

Palm ocean step by step drawing

Park scenery step by step drawing

Flat spring step by step drawing

Mountain lake step by step drawing

Mountain sun step by step drawing

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

physics formula numerical solutions for competitive exam Interference do...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive exam Gravit...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

physics formula list solutions for competitive exam Error measurements a...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

Important all physics formula list numerical for competitive exam Electr...

Important all physics formula list numerical for competitive exam Electr...

Important all physics formula list numerical for competitive exam Disper...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

all physics formula list numerical for competitive exam Composition of S...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive exam Combin...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

Important physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive exam ...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

Important all physics formula list numerical solutions for competitive e...

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 57

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 56

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 55

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 54

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 53

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 52

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 51

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 50

My Video Story Nov 05 2020 17 10 15

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 48

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 47

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 46

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 45

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 44

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 42

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 43

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 41

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 40

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 39

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 38

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 38

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 36

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 35

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 34

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 33

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 32

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 31

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 30

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 29

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 28

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 27

Monday, November 2, 2020

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 25

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 24

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 23

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 22

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 21

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 20

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 19

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 18

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 17

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 15

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 14

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 13

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 12

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 11

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 10

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 9

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 8

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 7

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 6

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 5

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 4

Computer engineer solutions self learn for competitive exam part 3

Computer engineer solutions self learn part 2 for competitive exam

Computer engineer solutions self learn part 1

Computer engineer self learn part 5 artificial intelligence

Computer engineer self learn part 4 automated reason and game playing

Computer engineer self learn part 3 pigeon hole principle

Computer engineer self learn part 2 pumping lemma

Computer engineer self learn part 1

Saturday, October 31, 2020

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 12

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 11

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 10

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 9

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 8

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 7

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 6

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 5

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 4

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 3

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 2

PSC Computer engineer Old questions for all competitive exam part 1

Friday, October 30, 2020

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 88

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 87

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 86

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 85

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 84

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 83

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 82

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 81

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 80

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 79

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 78

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 77

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 76

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 69

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 68

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 67

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 66

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 65

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 64

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 63

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 62

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 62

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 61

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 60

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 59

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 58

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 57

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 57

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 56

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 55

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 54

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 53

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 52

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 50

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 51

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 49

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Video 20201016 121120

Video 20201016 120351

Video 20201016 104738

Video 20201016 103746

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 39

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 40

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 38

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 37

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 36

Heap sort algorithm data structure

Reverse heap sort algorithm data structure

Few unique heap sort algorithm data structure

Random heap sort algorithm data structure

Few unique insert sort algorithm data

Reverse insert sort algorithm data structure

Random insert sort algorithm data structure

Insertion sort algorithm data structure

Few unique selection sort data structure

Few unique bubble sort data structure

Reverse selection sort data structure

Random selection sort data structure algorithm

Selection sort data structure algorithms

Random bubble sort algorithm data structure

Reverse bubble sort algorithm data structure

Bubble sort algorithm data structure

Recursion algorithms Tower of Hanoi

Hash table data structure algorithms

Queue data structure algorithms

Stack data structure algorithms

List data structure algorithms

Array data structure algorithms

Message authentication code security algorithm data structure

Public key cryptosystem security algorithms data structure

Shared key cryptosystem security algorithms data structure

Hash function security algorithms data structure

Encryption basic security algorithms data structure

Euclidian algorithms math data structure

Security basic algorithms data structure

Run length encoding data compression algorithm data structure

Bellman ford algorithms graph search data structure

Depth first search graph algorithms data structure

Breadth first search graph algorithms

Linear search algorithms data structure

Binary search algorithms data structure

Bubble sort algorithm data structure

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

एउटा सानो कुराको धेरै मूल्य हुन्छ कथा

घन्टी को लागत कथा

टोपी विक्रेता र बाँदरहरू

तिर्खाएको काग

भेषित मोर कथा

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 35

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 34

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 32

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 31

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 31

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 30

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 26

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 26

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 29

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 27

Monday, October 12, 2020

सानो विद्वान

मनको शान्ति

कहिल्यै झूट नबोल्नुहोस्

हार्डवर्क सधैं भुक्तान गर्दछ

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 25

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 24

लडाई सधैं खराब परिणाम दिन्छ

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 23

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 22

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 21

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 20

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 19

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 18

एउटा थालको स्वाद कथा

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 17

Basic mathematics all competitive exam part 16

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

C++ program to print 1 10 number use union

C++ program to print area of circle use Union

C++ program to print string length use union

C++ program to print string use union

C++ program to read write operation file

C++ program to find sum 2 number use Union

C++ program to create text file handling

C++ program to array use Union

C++ program read data from text file handling

C program to create own header file

C program to basic program

C++ program to read data from file handling

C++ program to create file use ofstream

C++ program to append data text file handling

C++ program to append data file handling

C program read write data in file handling

Monday, September 28, 2020

Saturday, September 26, 2020

C++ program to interchange two numbers

C to Print sum square of 3 digit number

C to print sum of 1st last 3 digit number

C program to use long int data type

C program to use floor function

C program to use double data type

C program to sum 2 number without 3rd variable

C program to subtract 2 number

C program to reverse 3 digit number

C program to reverse 2 digit number

C program to print table of 5

C program to print quotient remainder 2 number

C program to find out error

C program to print 3 digit number

C program to print even 2 digit number

C program to print factorial of 6 number

C program to print hexadecimal number

C program to print octal number

C program to find LCM two numbers

C program to find GCD two numbers

C program to find area equilateral triangle

C program to check number is palindrome or not

C program to check number is Armstrong or not

Thursday, September 24, 2020

C++ program to swap two numbers use class

C++ to print reverse array element use class

C++ program to use sum even odd use class

C++ to print square of 1 10 number use class

C++ to print sum array element use class

C++ program to print table number

C++ program to print sum square of 1 10 number

C++ program to print number series use class

C++ program to print cube number use class

C++ program to find leap year or not

C program to reverse two digit number

C to Print even element of n digit number

C to Print sum even element of n digit number

C to Print sum square of n digit number

C++ program to check number even odd use class

C program to Print sum of n digit number

C program to Print square of n digit number

C program to Print element of n digit number

C program to find sum of two digit number

C program to find number Prime or not

C++ to print sum array element use class

C++ to print square of 1 10 number use class

C++ to print reverse array element use class

C++ program to use sum even odd use class

C++ program to use sum even odd use class

C++ program to swap two numbers use class

C++ program to print table number

C++ program to print sum square of 1 10 number

C++ program to print cube number use class

C++ program to find leap year or not

C++ program to check number even odd use class

C to Print sum square of n digit number

C to Print sum square of n digit number

C to Print sum square of n digit number

C to Print sum even element of n digit number

C program to reverse two digit number

C program to Print sum square of 1 10 number

C program to Print sum of n digit number

C program to Print square of n digit number

C program to Print element of n digit number

C program to find sum of two digit number

C program to find number Prime or not

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Java program to print string

C program to print square number

C program to print cube number

C program to print blinking text

C program to input output float data type

C program to input output char data type value

C program to draw bar

C program to create linear array

C program graphics to draw table

C program graphics to draw rectangle

C program graphics to draw rectangle in circle

C program graphics to draw line

C program graphics to draw fishing net

C program graphics to draw circle pattern

C program graphics to change line color

C program to find ratio two numbers

C program to find difference two numbers

Circle Vedic math trick Shortcut key

Coordinate geometry Vedic math trick Shortcut

Nepali Preeti font keyboard layout unicode

C program to change text color

Binomial theorem Vedic math trick

C program to use relational operator

C program to swap two numbers use 3rd variable

C program to search element from array

C program to print table number use while loop

C program to print sum of 1 10 even number

C program to Print perimeter rectangle

C program to Print number is even or odd

C program to print name use loop

C program to print 10 1 number series

C program to print 1 10 number series

C program to print 1 10 even number

C program to find sum array element

C program to draw more than one circle

C program to change Text background color

C program to calculate simple interest

C program to calculate salary employee

C program to calculate mean number

C++ program to use string class

C++ program to use class example

C++ program to use array of object class

C++ program to more than one object of class

C program to use modulus operator

C program to use basic data types

C program to use arithmetic operator

C program to remainder number after division

C program to Print table numbers

C program to Print perimeter square

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

C program to Print number float data types

C program to print input output statement

C program to Print factorial number

C program to Print area rectangle

C program to Print area parallelogram

C program to print area of circle

C program to Print area ellipse

C program to number is positive or negative

C program to find sum of array element

C program to create array

C program to check number are equal or not

C program to array element in reverse order

Monday, September 21, 2020

C++ program to use more than one function

C++ program to use class Object simple method

C++ program to use add two numbers

C++ program to print year month

C++ program to print week day

C++ program to print name

C++ program to print grade students mark

C++ program to print empty class

C++ program to convert minutes to second

C++ program to convert hours to second

C++ program to convert hours into minutes

C++ program to check number are equal or not

C++ program to calculate total cost formula

C++ program to calculate time formula

C++ program to calculate speed formula

C++ program to calculate profit percentage

C++ program to calculate distance formula

C program to find greater number

C program to calculate loss formula

C++ to use factorial number recursion method

C++ to print various data types size in bytes

C++ to constant defination define preprocessor

C++ program to print logarithm of any number

C++ program to print escape sequence character

C++ program to print 2D array

C++ program to output value insertion operator

C++ program to Input value extraction operator

C++ program to initialize & print array

C++ program to define & print array

C++ program to create array of pointer

C++ program to copy string using pointer

C to use while loop program

C to use for loop program

C to use do while loop program

C++ program to use horizontal tab

C++ program to use bitwise binary XOR operator

C++ program to use bitwise binary OR operator

C++ program to use bitwise binary AND operator

C++ program to print sum three number

C++ program to cut paste data

C program to copy paste data