Wednesday, September 30, 2020
C++ program to print 1 10 number use union
C++ program to print area of circle use Union
C++ program to print string length use union
C++ program to print string use union
C++ program to read write operation file
C++ program to find sum 2 number use Union
C++ program to create text file handling
C++ program to array use Union
C++ program read data from text file handling
C program to create own header file
C program to basic program
C++ program to read data from file handling
C++ program to create file use ofstream
C++ program to append data text file handling
C++ program to append data file handling
C program read write data in file handling
Monday, September 28, 2020
C++ to Tellg seekg function input output
C++ tellp seekp function input output file
C++ save result sum 2 number in file handling
C++ program while loop
C++ program type casting implicit conversion
C++ program type casting explicit conversion
C++ program to use tellp function
C++ program to seekp function file
C++ program prefix decrement operator
C language for basic program
Sunday, September 27, 2020
C++ program to use t escape sequence
C++ program to use n escape sequence
C++ to print min max value of char data type
C++ program to use a escape sequence
C++ program to use endl manipulator
C++ program what is the output
C program to print fibonacci series 5 place
Saturday, September 26, 2020
C++ program to interchange two numbers
C to Print sum square of 3 digit number
C to print sum of 1st last 3 digit number
C program to use long int data type
C program to use floor function
C program to use double data type
C program to sum 2 number without 3rd variable
C program to subtract 2 number
C program to reverse 3 digit number
C program to reverse 2 digit number
C program to print table of 5
C program to print quotient remainder 2 number
C program to find out error
C program to print 3 digit number
C program to print even 2 digit number
C program to print factorial of 6 number
C program to print hexadecimal number
C program to print octal number
C program to find LCM two numbers
C program to find GCD two numbers
C program to find area equilateral triangle
C program to check number is palindrome or not
C program to check number is Armstrong or not
Thursday, September 24, 2020
C++ program to swap two numbers use class
C++ to print reverse array element use class
C++ program to use sum even odd use class
C++ to print square of 1 10 number use class
C++ to print sum array element use class
C++ program to print table number
C++ program to print sum square of 1 10 number
C++ program to print number series use class
C++ program to print cube number use class
C++ program to find leap year or not
C program to reverse two digit number
C to Print even element of n digit number
C to Print sum even element of n digit number
C to Print sum square of n digit number
C++ program to check number even odd use class
C program to Print sum of n digit number
C program to Print square of n digit number
C program to Print element of n digit number
C program to find sum of two digit number
C program to find number Prime or not
C++ to print sum array element use class
C++ to print square of 1 10 number use class
C++ to print reverse array element use class
C++ program to use sum even odd use class
C++ program to use sum even odd use class
C++ program to swap two numbers use class
C++ program to print table number
C++ program to print sum square of 1 10 number
C++ program to print cube number use class
C++ program to find leap year or not
C++ program to check number even odd use class
C to Print sum square of n digit number
C to Print sum square of n digit number
C to Print sum square of n digit number
C to Print sum even element of n digit number
C program to reverse two digit number
C program to Print sum square of 1 10 number
C program to Print sum of n digit number
C program to Print square of n digit number
C program to Print element of n digit number
C program to find sum of two digit number
C program to find number Prime or not
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Java program to print string
C program to print square number
C program to print cube number
C program to print blinking text
C program to input output float data type
C program to input output char data type value
C program to draw bar
C program to create linear array
C program graphics to draw table
C program graphics to draw rectangle
C program graphics to draw rectangle in circle
C program graphics to draw line
C program graphics to draw fishing net
C program graphics to draw circle pattern
C program graphics to change line color
C program to find ratio two numbers
C program to find difference two numbers
Circle Vedic math trick Shortcut key
Coordinate geometry Vedic math trick Shortcut
Nepali Preeti font keyboard layout unicode
C program to change text color
Binomial theorem Vedic math trick
C program to use relational operator
C program to swap two numbers use 3rd variable
C program to search element from array
C program to print table number use while loop
C program to print sum of 1 10 even number
C program to Print perimeter rectangle
C program to Print number is even or odd
C program to print name use loop
C program to print 10 1 number series
C program to print 1 10 number series
C program to print 1 10 even number
C program to find sum array element
C program to draw more than one circle
C program to change Text background color
C program to calculate simple interest
C program to calculate salary employee
C program to calculate mean number
C++ program to use string class
C++ program to use class example
C++ program to use array of object class
C++ program to more than one object of class
C program to use modulus operator
C program to use basic data types
C program to use arithmetic operator
C program to remainder number after division
C program to Print table numbers
C program to Print perimeter square
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
C program to Print number float data types
C program to print input output statement
C program to Print factorial number
C program to Print area rectangle
C program to Print area parallelogram
C program to print area of circle
C program to Print area ellipse
C program to number is positive or negative
C program to find sum of array element
C program to create array
C program to check number are equal or not
C program to array element in reverse order
Monday, September 21, 2020
C++ program to use more than one function
C++ program to use class Object simple method
C++ program to use add two numbers
C++ program to print year month
C++ program to print week day
C++ program to print name
C++ program to print grade students mark
C++ program to print empty class
C++ program to convert minutes to second
C++ program to convert hours to second
C++ program to convert hours into minutes
C++ program to check number are equal or not
C++ program to calculate total cost formula
C++ program to calculate time formula
C++ program to calculate speed formula
C++ program to calculate profit percentage
C++ program to calculate distance formula
C program to find greater number
C program to calculate loss formula
C++ to use factorial number recursion method
C++ to print various data types size in bytes
C++ to constant defination define preprocessor
C++ program to print logarithm of any number
C++ program to print escape sequence character
C++ program to print 2D array
C++ program to output value insertion operator
C++ program to Input value extraction operator
C++ program to initialize & print array
C++ program to define & print array
C++ program to create array of pointer
C++ program to copy string using pointer
C to use while loop program
C to use for loop program
C to use do while loop program
C++ program to use horizontal tab
C++ program to use bitwise binary XOR operator
C++ program to use bitwise binary OR operator
C++ program to use bitwise binary AND operator
C++ program to print sum three number
C++ program to cut paste data
C program to copy paste data
Sunday, September 20, 2020
C++ program to use Ms word document use file handling
C++ program to create new file use input output file
C++ program to create new file use input output file
C++ program to various types of inheritance part 2
C++ program to use short int data type
C++ program to use enumeration or enum
C++ program to use array of Pointer
C program to use 4D array
C++ program to use 3D array
C++ program to print circle area use structure
C++ program to print address of variable
C++ program to print 1 to 5 number use structure
C++ program to make array of pointer
C++ program to find sum 2 number use structure
C++ program to declare pointer variable
C++ program to create abstract class
C++ program to basic input output statement
C program to use character arithmetic
Add music in our video in window movie maker
C++ program to various types of inheritance
C++ program to use single inheritance
C++ program to use multiple inheritance
C++ program to use multilevel inheritance
C++ program to use hybrid inheritance
C program to use hierarchical inheritance
Java program to find volume of cube
C++ program to print sum first last element of array
C++ program to print table 1 to 10 Odd number
C++ program to print table 1 to 10 even number
C++ program to print last element of array
C program to change text background color in graphics
C program to change text mode graphics
C program to change text color in graphics
Application of integration vedic math trick
C++ program to initialize array
C++ program to print sum of Square n number
C++ program to print sum of odd from n number
C++ program to print sum of n number
C++ program to print sum of even from n number
C++ program to print sum of cube n number
C++ program to print factorial of n number
C++ program to print average of n number
C++ program to initialize string
C program to convert hours to days
C program to convert days to hours
C program to character in string one by one
Saturday, September 19, 2020
How to create table in SQL
C++ protect inheritance derivation type eg
C++ program print single inheritance example
C++ program inheritance example
C++ private inheritane derivation type example
C to Print Welcome to turboc program
C to Print Welcome to c++ program
C to print Welcome to c program
C to Print small value conditional operator
C to Print multiple initialisation for loop
C to Print great value conditional operator
C to Print great 2 number conditional operator
C to count no of occurred element in array
C program to read string and display VDU
C program to reverse string
C program to read line and print it
C program to read and display character
C program to print table numbers
C program to print pattern
C program to print number greater than 100
C program to Print number between 100 to 200
C program to print nested while loop
C program to print nested for loop
C program to Print dollars pattern
C program to print 1 to 10 number table
C program to print 1 to 10 even number table
C program to print 1 to 7 factorial number
C program to find length of String
C program to display n fibonacci term
C program to count character of input
C program to copy one string to another string
C program to compare two strings
C program print sum factorial 1 to 10 even number
C program print factorial 1 to 10 even number
C++ to swap two numbers without 3rd variable
Configure DOS prompt in MSDOS
C++ program to use static data member in class
C++ program to use setw manipulator
C++ program to use setfill manipulator
C++ program to use set precision manipulator
C++ program to use of loop with class object
C++ program to use array of object
C++ program to average two numbers using class
C++ program to add two numbers
C++ program to add two numbers using class
C++ program to add two numbers use constructor
C program to Print swap two numbers
C program to print factorial number
C program to calculate perimeter of triangle
C program to calculate perimeter of rectangle
C program to calculate perimeter of cube
C program to calculate perimeter of circle
Friday, September 18, 2020
How to compose email using Gmail
c program Copy given no of character of one string to another
C++ to use bitwise XOR assignment operator
C++ to use bitwise OR assignment operator
C++ to use bitwise AND assignment operator
C++ to bitwise left shift assignment operator
C++ program to use bitwise right shift operator
C++ program to use while loop in dev c++
C++ program to use prefix increment operator
C++ program to use postfix increment operator
C++ program to use postfix decrement operator
C++ program to use for loop in dev c++
C++ program to use bitwise XOR operator
C++ program to use bitwise NOT operator
C++ program to use bitwise left shift operator
C++ program to use bitwise AND operator
C++ program to print sum two numbers dev c++
C++ program to print sum three numbers
C program to print message number of times
C program to print duplicate string
C++ to print less than or equal to operator
C++ to print greater than or equal to operator
C++ program vowel using switch case statement
C++ program to print subtract assignment
C++ program to print not equal to operator
C++ program to print multiplication assignment
C++ program to print modulus assignment
C++ program to print logical OR operator
C++ program to print logical AND operator
C++ program to print input output data
C++ program to print greater than operator
C++ program to print equal to operator
C++ program to print division assignment operator
C++ program to print day name using switch statement
C++ program to print addition assignment operator
C++ program to print Month name using switch statement
C++ function template program
C program to find area of circle
C++ program to find circumference of circle
C++ to find volume of right circular cylinder
C++ to find volume of right circular cone
C++ program to find Volume of Square pyramid
C++ program to find volume of general prism
C++ program to find area of Square
C program to find area of ellipse
Thursday, September 17, 2020
C++ to find surface area of Square pyramid
C++ program to find Volume of sphere
C++ program to find surface area of sphere
C to find surface area of right circular cylinder
C++ program to find surface area rectangular prism
C++ program to find area of trapezoid
C++ program find Volume of rectangular prism
C find surface area of right circular cone
C++ to Print number is even or odd using structure
C++ program to solve algebra expression
C++ program to show use of sting using structure
C++ program to print number reverse using structure
C program to print array of structure
C++ program to find sum of 2 number using structure
C++ program to find area of triangle
C++ program to find area of rectangle
C++ program to find area of parallelogram
C++ program to find area of circle structure
C++ to find factorial of number using structure
C++ program to print number using structure
C++ program to print sum of array element in structure
C program to find greater from 2 number
C program print conditional operator example
Watermark in documents ms word
Use of Ms word processing
Use of mail merge create same letter to 5 recipient ms word
Types of indentation ms word
Step to create table of contents
Setting need to set in computer before typing Nepali
Insert one header pages ms word
Header and footers ms word
Header and footers ms word
gutter margin and use of zoom in document ms word
Function of format painter ms word
Find & replace in Ms word
Features of Microsoft Excel
Different way of protecting document ms word
Add insert page number mirror margin header ms word
Add footnote to word in document ms word
Add bookmark documents hyperlink
Add bibliography in Ms word
Types of window operating system
Types of wildcard in DOS DISK OPERATING SYSTEM
Types of file in operating system
Syntax of command Dir copy con MD Ren type
Function & important of operating system
Cold warm booting
Advantage of batch processing
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
C program to sort n number in ascending order
Radix sort program in c language
Quick sort program in c language
Insertion sort program in c++
Heap sort program in c language
C program to sort n number in descending order
C program to solve tower of Hanoi problem
C program to print sum of Square digit of 3
C program to print sum of 2 digit number
C program to print a name 5 times
C program to print 5 to 1 number
C program to print 1 to 10 Odd number
C program to print 1 to 10 even number
C program to print 1 to 5 number
C program to find sum of 1 to 5 numbers
C program to find product of 1 to 5 numbers
C program to add 2 number in assembly language
C program store student information structure
C language for loop program
C program to find factorial of a number
Multiprogramming multitasking multithreading MULTIPROCESSING OPERATING S...
File folder window icon taskbar desktop
Types of operating system
Different classes of IP address
Uses of multimedia
Types of computer virus
Symptoms of computer virus
Internet intranet extranet
Difference between hardcopy & softcopy output
Cyber law
Dynamic memory allocation using malloc() function in c program
data structures queue using array linked list
C program to print largest among four 4 number
C program to print current system time
C program to print current system date
C program to delete element from array
C program to check strong number or not
C program to check perfect number or not
C program to check harshad number or not
C program to check abundant number or not
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
what is protocol give some examples
Types of storage access memory
Types of software
Types of network topology
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RAM & ROM. primary & secondary memory
Month name USING switch statement c program
difference between Hardware & software with examples
Different types of programming language
Different types of printer with examples
Different types of network
Day name using switch statement c program
Computer security
CPU central processing unit
Components of computer network
C program basic calculator
Advantage of computer network
Advantage disadvantage of internet
Monday, September 14, 2020
Different computer generation
Type of computer
Application of computer in various sector
Advantage disadvantage of computer
What is computer function of computer
3 dimensional geometry Vedic math trick guidelines formula
Create a single linked list data structure c program
Creating the node of a single linked list data structure
Pascal triangle star number alphabet pattern c program part 2
Pascal triangle c program
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Circular linked list delete begin end position c program data structure
नेपालको ७ प्रदेशमा रहेका साना र ठूला जिल्लाहरु र सम्झिने सूत्रहरु लोकसेवा
circular linked list insertion beginning specified position c program
A circular linked list create display c program
queue implementation using linked list c program
Insertion sort with example c program
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Pascal triangle star pattern c program
Diamond star pattern number alphabet c program
A star number pattern solved example
A star number pattern solved example
Friday, September 11, 2020
queue implementation using array c program
Double linked list deletion beginning c program
Selection sort c program example
Important question Boolean algebra
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Multiplication table c program
Linked list create display c program
stack implementation using linked list c program
stack implementation array data structures c program
Quick sort c program
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Binary to decimal conversion c program
Important question queue c program
Important question database concept c program
Storage class c program
Swap two numbers c program
Armstrong numbers c program
Important question data file handling c program
Important question Pointer c program
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Mini mathematics guidelines
Mini chemistry guidelines
Mini physics guidelines
Important question inheritance c program
Important question inheritance c program
Important question constructor destructor c program
Basic electronic part 2
Call by value and reference c program
Search element BST c program
Palindrome c program
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